Perry Edinger to Speak Tonight

Wednesday, September 21 2011

KSS Faculty and Eastern Running Community,

Below is information about Perry Edinger, EIU alum, who will be speaking on his ultramarathon running, athletic training and race organizing experiences. It will be held Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 in Lumpkin Auditorium (room 2030). This is open to the public so feel free to forward this announce to any person or organization you think might be interested. Note that parking on campus is hard to find at that time of day. 

Perry has many amazing experiences which has given his some very interesting perspectives on life. Here's a summary of his accomplishments:

1979 graduate of Mattoon HS.  In the Hall of Fame

1984 graduate of EIU.  Remain in the top 5 in time in the indoor 3 mile and 3,000 m Steeplechase

Have run 10 races of 100 miles or more

Winner of the 2008 Grand slam of Ultrarunning

2009 finisher of Badwater 135 in 29:19

Founder and original race director of Pat's Run, a 4.2 mile benefit run or the Pat Tillman foundation.  The worlds fastest growing running event. 27,000 participants last year.  (He feels this is his greatest accomplishment in his life to this point)

Head Athletic Trainer at Arizona State University for 14 years

Currently a Physician Assistant Student at A.T. Still University

Jake Emmett

KSS Department

Eastern Illinois University